AutoCount CloudAccounting

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AutoCount CloudAccounting Accounting Software

Why Cloud Accounting

  • Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device. As long as internet is accessible, AutoCount Cloud Accounting is always there to perform her duties as you wish. What you need is just a device, either a PC, mobile phone, tablet, or laptop.
  • Low Initial Cost. Think about how much you could save on hardware, storage and security facilities.
  • Maintenance-Free. Software updates automatically means no more hassles on downloading and installing updates or newer versions from time to time. You always enjoy the latest version and features once it is made available.
  • Collaborative Access. It is so much easier to collaborate jobs and duties of users accessing from different locations and levels, but to the same database and platform. All inputs, billings, postings, and reports are instantly completed, and accessible according to access rights setting.
  • Secured Database. We care about security as much as you do. Your accounts and records are all saved and backup in a secured cloud environment through Microsoft Azure.

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